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How to Create a FlowHippo Account

Understand how to create and properly set up a new FlowHippo account.

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FlowHippo is an excellent chatbot tool crafted to streamline workflows and bolster team collaboration. Setting up a new FlowHippo account correctly is a straightforward process, empowering businesses to optimize their operations efficiently. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a new FlowHippo account.

To do this:

1. Go to FlowHippo

Sign Up

There are two easy ways to sign up for a new account:

2. Sign Up with Google: Click on the Sign up with Google button to initiate the process. A pop-up window will appear, guiding you through the steps to complete the sign-up using your Google account.

3. Sign Up with Email: Alternatively, you can create an account using your email address. Simply enter your email and password, then tick the checkbox.

4. After filling up the information, click on the Create new account button to proceed.

5. Choose whether your business is based in India or outside of India.

Important note that this choice is for billing setup in the next step, and it is permanent; it cannot be changed later.

6. Navigate to Initial Project dropdown and select Organization Settings.

7. You can customize the Organization Name according to your needs, and then click on Update info to save the changes. In our case, we'll use the organization name Zoko

8. Go to the Manage Members section on the left.

9. Click on Add Member and input the following details:

(Note: This member is optional and can be removed later anytime you want.)

This step will help our team identify any issues or set up your flow correctly. Additionally, you can invite other team members to join.

10. Click on Save.

11. Go to the Integrations section on the left.

12. Click on Connect for Zoko and Shopify Cards to set up both integrations. If you have a different website other than Shopify, you can ignore the Shopify Card integration. Refer to our articles on Setting up Integrations:

Keywords: FlowHippo, Chatbot, Workflows, Account Setup, Signup, Create an account.

How to Create a FlowHippo Account

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