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On your website, have you added Cash/Pay on Delivery as a Shipping method

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Certain Shopify merchants impose additional fees when customers select Cash on Delivery (COD) as their preferred method of payment. However, Shopify's current functionality does not directly support the application of extra charges for specific payment methods.

Recognizing this, some merchants have adopted an alternative approach. Shopify provides the ability to add charges for different shipping methods. Leveraging this feature, merchants can list COD, which is inherently a payment method, as a shipping option. This enables them to effectively charge extra for COD by selecting it in the shipping step.

See an example below of the Shipping Methods selection page of a Shopify merchant that follows this approach:

Therefore, if your store follows this practice, respond with YES to the question:
"Special Case: On your website, is Cash/Pay-on-Delivery listed under shipping methods?"

Keywords: Pay on delivery, Shipping methods, Enigma AI, COD, Payment.

On your website, have you added Cash/Pay on Delivery as a Shipping method

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