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Understand Order Confirmation (Exclude COD Orders) Flow

Understand the Order Confirmation (Exclude COD Orders) Flow playbook and how to enable it in FlowHippo.

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This flow automatically sends a notification to customers after they place an order, but only if they didn't choose to pay with cash on delivery (COD). According to research, 64% of customers consider the Order Confirmation message the most valuable notification. Even though order confirmation messages are transactional messages, they fulfill an essential psychological need - the need for reassurance. It assures the customer that you have received the order and settles their anxiety. Additionally,

→ It provides customers with a record of their purchase: Order confirmation messages serve as a receipt for the customer and can help them keep track of their purchases. 

→ It helps to reduce confusion: Order confirmation messages can help to clarify any confusion the customer may have about their order, such as the items they purchased, the price, and the shipping details.

→ It builds trust: By sending order confirmation messages, ecommerce merchants can demonstrate that they are reliable and trustworthy, which can help to build customer loyalty.

→ It can help to reduce customer service inquiries: Order confirmation messages can provide customers with all of the information they need about their order, which can help to reduce the number of customer service inquiries the merchant receives.

→ It can help to improve the customer experience: Order confirmation messages can help to make the purchasing process more convenient for customers, which can improve their overall experience with the merchant.


The Order Confirmation - Exclude COD Orders Flow has several benefits:

  • Improves customer experience by providing a confirmation message that builds trust and loyalty.
  • Reduces workload on the customer service team by automating the confirmation process.
  • Increases order management efficiency by ensuring that only confirmed orders are sent a confirmation message.
  • Seamlessly works for all orders placed on any channel using Shopify.


  • This flow is designed to send a notification to the customer after they place an order, but only if the payment method is not cash on delivery (COD).
  • The flow includes a condition node before the send message node, which allows you to exclude orders for which the payment method is COD. This ensures that only confirmed orders are sent a confirmation message.
  • When an order is placed, the condition node checks if the payment method is COD. If it is, the flow ends there. If it is not COD, the flow proceeds to the send message node.
  • The send message node sends a confirmation message to the customer, letting them know that their purchase was successful.


To enable the Order Confirmation - Exclude COD Orders Flow, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your FlowHippo Account.

2. Go to Playbooks and search for "Exclude COD" and click on Order Confirmation (exclude COD Orders).

3. Click "Use this Playbook".

4. Click "Publish" to make the flow live.

Note: If you wish to customize the flow, click "Edit Flow" to modify it to your needs.

That's it! You've successfully enabled the Order Confirmation (Exclude COD Orders) Flow.

Keywords: Order confirmation, Exclude COD orders, Send notification, Payment methods, FlowHippo.

Understand Order Confirmation (Exclude COD Orders) Flow

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