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How to do a Media Broadcast

Learn how to do a media broadcasting step-by-step.

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Sending a media broadcast is a great method to let your customers see photos, videos, or files of your product. To send a broadcast, you will need a pre-approved media template. Refer our article on How to create a template.

Remember that while uploading media in a broadcast template, there is a maximum media size limit. Refer our article on What is the Maximum Size limit on whatsapp API.

To do this:

1. Go to Apps.

2. Select Broadcast.

3. Click on New Broadcast.

4. Select an approved media template and click on Add recipients.

Add recipients

5. Add the contact recipients that you want to send a media broadcast to and click on Add variables.

Add variables

6. Click on upload to select the media file and upload it.


Alternatively, You can use an import file to send a media broadcast to customers in Bulk.

1. Download the Xlsx file under Import from file option on the broadcast screen.

Import from file

2. Fill in all the required details and add the media link inside the Xlsx file. In our case, we add the “video links”.

Pro tip: You can use Zoko's link creator from Apps to create a media link. Refer our article on How to create a media link using the link creator app.

video links

Note: Remember to double-check the media links inside the XLSX file, if the links are different, the media broadcast will fail.

3. Save the Xlsx file and Upload it.

Xlsx file

4. Lastly, you can select one of the two options: if you want to send a broadcast message at a later time of your convenience, then click on Schedule. If you want to send the broadcast at that moment, click on Send now.

Send now

Keywords: Media broadcast, Video broadcast, Bulk media broadcast.

How to do a Media Broadcast

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