Understanding Analytics
This article helps you understand the various reports and metrics available to you under Analytics.
To Find the Analytics:
1. Go to Apps

2. Click on Analytics directly or use the search bar to find and select Analytics.


Here we have 2 main charts for you:
1. Chat Overview: This section shows you the total number of open chats (with atleast 1 incoming message) in your account. It also shows you how many of these chats are assigned and still in Queue.
Following are the metrics in the section:
- Unassigned Chats: The total number of open chats that have not been assigned and are still in queue.
- Assigned Chats: The total number of open chats that have been assigned to an agent/team, but not yet closed.
2. Agent Activity: This chart shows the total number of agents in your account and their availability status. You can manage availability of the agents from Organisation Settings > Agents.
Note: Both the above data are updated on a real time basis

New Chat: Any chat that is created by an incoming customer message in the selected time period and not yet closed.
Fine-tune your report based on specific dates, with options including today, this month, and the current week. Additionally, filter the report by channel, selecting platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook based on your preference.
1. Chat Closed Per Agent Hour: This KPI indicates how many chats are being successfully handled by your agents for every hour that they are online. This is defined as the total number of new chats closed by your agents divided by the total number of hours, they were online in the selected time period.
2. Assignment Time: This KPI indicates the speed at which a customer is directed to the appropriate agent/team. It is defined as the total time from when a new chat appears in the queue to when it is successfully assigned to an agent/team.
3. First Response Time: This KPI indicates how fast you are in responding to an assigned customer. This is defined as the total time from when a chat is assigned to an agent/team to when the first response is sent by the agent/team.
4. Chat Duration: Once a customer query is successfully addressed, an assigned chat can be closed by the agent. This KPI indicates how good your team is successfully addressing customer queries. This is defined as the total time from when a chat is assigned to an agent/team to when the chat is closed by an agent.
Note: All the Chat Activity KPIs refresh starts daily at 4AM (IST)

This section provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics essential for in-depth chat-level tracking. Within your chosen timeframe, you'll find the following metrics, and you have the flexibility to fine-tune the report based on specific dates—options include today, this month, and the current week. Additionally, you can filter the report by channel, selecting platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook based on your preference:
1. New Chats Queued: This KPI indicates the total number of chats appeared in the Queue during the selected time period. There are 2 ways a chat can appear in Queue - when a customer messages your number for the first time or a previously closed conversation is reopened by an incoming customer message. If a chat by the same customer is reopened twice, then it will also be counted twice.
2. Assigned Chats: This KPI indicates the total number of chats that were assigned from the Queue to an agent/team during the selected time period. Assigning could happen manually or automatically via the API or routing rules.
3. Chats Missed: The KPI indicates the total number of chats that were not responded to within 5 minutes during the selected time period.
4. First Response Time and Chat Duration: There are few interesting metrics which can be changed and seen with the help of the arrow next to it.
First Response Time: This metric measures how promptly your agent/team responds to assigned chats. It is defined as the time interval from when a chat appears in the queue to the moment when the first message is sent by the business. The KPI presented here is an average across all chats during the selected time period, inclusive of automatic welcome messages as a part of the business response.
Chat Duration: This metric gauges the duration it takes for your agent/team to close an assigned chat. It is defined as the time interval from when a chat is assigned to an agent to the moment when the agent/team closes the chat. The KPI shown here is an average across all chats during the selected time period.
Note: Chats from the previous time period may appear in the Queue screen and will not be counted for the In Queue KPI.
Agents Reports

Agent Reports offer insights to track and understand the performance of your agents. Within your selected timeframe, the following metrics are provided for each agent, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune the report based on specific dates—options include today, this month, and the current week. Moreover, you can filter the report by channel, selecting platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook based on your preference.
1. Carry Over: The total number of chats that were assigned to the agent prior to the selected time period and haven't been closed or reassigned yet.
2. Assigned: The total number of chats assigned to the agent during the selected time period.
3. Closed: The total number of chats closed by the agent in the selected time period.
4. Reassigned: The total number of chats reassigned by the agent in the selected time period.
5. Open: The total number of chats that are were assigned or carry forwarded and are not yet closed or reassigned.
- Open = (Assigned + Carry Forward) - (Close + Reassigned)
6. Completion Rate: The percentage of chats were work is completed by the agent. A work is considered complete when a chat is either closed or reassigned.
- Completion Rate = (Closed + Reassigned) / (Assigned Chats + Carry Over) %
7. Response Time: The average time taken by the agent to respond to an incoming customer message.
8. Online: The total length of time an agent has been online. This is calculated from the moment the status was last changed from offline to online.
You also have the option to export the chat reports and agent reports based on the page you are currently viewing. Simply click on the "Export" button on that page, and it will download the file.

Keywords: Analytics. Chat overview, Agent activity, Chat activity, Reports, Metrics, Performance.