WhatsApp Templates
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Setting up Templates with OPT-OUT Options

Learn how to create a template with an opt out option.

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Giving an Opt out option in the template allows customers to opt out from receiving any notifications on WhatsApp from your brand. This is similar to the “Unsubscribe” functionality in emails.

Once a customer clicks on the Opt-Out link in the template message, the Opt-Out flow gets triggered, and a system tag called OPT_OUT gets automatically added to the customer's profile on the dashboard.

Note: The opt-out flow will not be triggered if you haven’t enabled it. Refer to our article on Understand the Opt Out Flow.

Option to Opt-Out can be included in the template in three ways:

- Opt Out Link in Body Text

- Opt Out in CTA Button Link

- Opt Out in Quick Reply Button.

To do this:

1. Go to Apps.

2. Select Templates.

3. Click on New Template.

4. Fill in all the required details in Template ID and Category. Refer to our article on Guidelines for Utility, Authentication and Marketing Templates to understand categories better.

5. Select the language of the template that you are creating. In our case, we selected to English (US).

6. You have an option to add a media attachment by clicking on the media type that you want to include in the template. In our case, we will select the media type as image). Refer to our article on Aspect Ratio for Images Template.

Note: When you select a media type, you will have to add a sample media on the next page, before submitting it for approval.

Opt-Out Link in Body Text

7. Fill in all the required information as per your requirements in the body text and insert Opt-Out Link. For example:

" Hello {{1}}

We have introduced a new clothing line; would you like to buy from us and get a 20% discount on your total bill.

Unsubscribe - {{OPT_OUT_LINK}} "

When you send this template message to a customer, the opt-out link is automatically added to the variable. When the customer clicks on this link, the flow message is automatically triggered.

Opt-Out in CTA Button Link

8. Click on Dynamic Link: Opt Out Link from the dropdown menu.

- You can see the Opt out link with variable under URL.

- You can type the button display name under button display text.

Note: You cannot add 2 dynamics opt out link in the same template. You can use a different CTA button like a static link or a phone number. In our case, I have added 1 dynamic opt out link and 1 Phone number.

Opt-Out in CTA Button Link

Opt-Out in Quick reply

9. Click on Quick reply - Opt Out from the dropdown menu.

- You can type the button display name under button display text.

Note: You can add 3 quick reply buttons in the same template.

Opt-Out in Quick reply

10. Click on Next Step and fill in all the required details in the variables section and upload the image.

Next Step

11. Click on Send for review.

Send for review

Note: WhatsApp usually takes upto 24-48 hours to review and approve the template. You can keep an eye on the template reviews section on the dashboard. Refer to our article on How long it will take to approve the template.

In case your templates are being rejected repeatedly or has been stuck in the pending status, please contact us at contact@zoko.io or wa.me/917306017571 and we will be happy to assist you. or You can refer to our article on How to check reasons for rejections.

Keywords: Create opt-out template, Opt-Out button template, Opt-Out link.

Setting up Templates with OPT-OUT Options

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