How to Auto Archive Zoko Webhook Notifications in Gmail
Learn how to auto archive Webhook Notifications.
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If you are receiving webhook notifications, manually archiving them can become a pain, And if you receive the webhook notifications to an email that was archived, it will reappear automatically. Archiving is the best solution for emails that you want to get out of the inbox.
To do this simple way:
1. Once you have logged in to your gmail account. On the left side, select the Manage Labels option. and Go to Filters and Blocked Addresses.
Simply click this link -

2. Scroll down and click on Create a New Filter

3. Copy and Paste the subject line of the email you want to archive in the Subject field. Click on Create Filter.

4. Click on the checkbox at the left of Skip the Inbox (Archive it) option, Also Apply filter to matching conversations option. Click on the Create Filter.

All emails with that subject line will be auto-archived.