How to Mark Your Flow as Favourites for Effortless Search
Learn how to mark your flows as favourites to effortless search using the filter on Zoko.
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When working on multiple projects, keeping track of all the different flows you have created can be difficult. For finding the flows you need, you can mark them as favourites in both the Published and Drafts sections. This feature allows you to quickly access the flows you use most frequently without having to search through all of your flows, saving you time and effort.
To do this:
1. Locate the Flow you want to mark as Favourite in the Published or Drafts section.
2. Click on the Star icon to the flow to mark it as a favourite.

3. You can see the favourite flow list using the filter - Type >> Favourites.

If you want to remove a flow from your favourites list, simply repeat the steps above and click on the Star icon to remove it as a favourite.
Keywords: Favourites flow, Search Flow, Mark as Favourite.