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How Does Conversion Tracking Work in Broadcast

Understanding the operation of dynamic links conversion tracking in broadcast.

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When you send out a broadcast which has a dynamic link in the template, Zoko will automatically turn the dynamic link into a unique link for each consumer. For example, if you send a broadcast to 1000 customers, each customer's unique link should be distinct. This unique link will track who has clicked and also who has purchased your items, allowing you to see how much money you have earned from the broadcast.

Remember that we have already enabled conversion tracking as a default on your broadcast page. If you do not wish to track, you can disable it from here before sending out the broadcast.

new broadcast

To do this:

1. Select Broadcast under Apps.

2. Select any one broadcast which you have sent to pop up the statistics.


3. You can see the broadcast overview page here.

broadcast overview

4. Go to Data section.

how to select data

5. Here is how you can see the conversion tracking results.

conversion tracking results

In the broadcast result, there are six options. Here are the definitions below:

  • Responded: The customer who messages you as a response to the broadcast sent.
  • Clicked: The customer who has clicked the link but not purchased.
  • Converted: The customer who has clicked the link and purchased.
  • OPT OUT: The customer who has opted out of your products and does not want more notifications about your products.
  • Blanks: The customer who has not clicked the link will see it displayed like this: " - "

Keywords: Broadcast stats, Conversion tracking, Dynamic link track.

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