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Understand the Dynamic Link Option in the Template

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Dynamic links are URLs designed to adjust based on specific parameters or user attributes, offering a tailored experience for each user. Unlike static links, which direct all users to the same destination, dynamic links provide personalization. With the Dynamic Link option, either you or the system can automatically generate personalized links within template messages, dynamically tailoring destination URLs based on user interactions or attributes. This capability significantly enhances user engagement and encourages desired actions.

Scenario 1:

Imagine you're selling products online and facing challenges with customers abandoning their shopping carts. You decide to send personalized template messages to recover abandoned carts, using the "Dynamic Link" option. In this flow, the system automatically identifies abandoned checkouts through your Shopify store and generates unique URLs for each customer within the CTA button. When customers click on these CTA buttons, they are directed back to their abandoned carts on your Shopify store.

System URL:  https://web3.api.zoko.io/v3/click?to=(Unique URLs for each customer’s)

Automatically Picked Unique URL from the Shopify Store: https://pavels-shoe-store.myshopify.com/checkouts/ac/c1-7c55f9115840d970067ab77fd252ed33?key=35f87b0d28a7ce6e6c349bba5f74a65d&locale=en-IN

Real URL in the CTA Button: https://web3.api.zoko.io/v3/click?to=https://pavels-shoe-store.myshopify.com/checkouts/ac/c1-7c55f9115840d970067ab77fd252ed33?key=35f87b0d28a7ce6e6c349bba5f74a65d&locale=en-IN

The system URL will trigger automatically from the backend when you send template messages that contains a dynamic link. However, it will not be visible to you.

Scenario 2:

Suppose you want to run a broadcast campaign for a new product launch or to target abandoned customers. Using a template with the "Dynamic Link" option, you can send personalized messages with unique URLs to each customer. When customers click on the call-to-action (CTA) button containing the dynamic link, you can track their conversions. This enables you to monitor who clicked and made purchases, providing insights into the campaign's effectiveness. Refer to our article to understand better How Does Conversion Tracking Work.

To create a template with a dynamic link CTA, refer to this article for a comprehensive understanding of the process.

How to Create a Template with a Button - Dynamic Link

Keywords: CTA buttons, Dynamic link, Any link, Template.

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