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Step 2 of 2: Install Zoko's Private App and Collect Integration Keys

Learn how to install Zoko's private app and collect integration keys from your Shopify.

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The next step is to install the private app on your Shopify store.

To do this:

1. Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the Apps section on the left.

2. Click on Apps and Sales Channel Settings.

3. In the Apps section, select Develop apps.

4. Click on Create an app.

5. Enter the desired name for your app. For example, you can name it "Zoko Private App - Month_Year" (e.g., "Zoko Private App - April 2024"). Next, select your app developer’s email from the dropdown menu. This will help us troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise from future updates by Shopify.

6. Click on Create app.

7. After creating the app, click on Configure Admin API scopes.

8. Select all the checkboxes to grant configuration permissions.

9. Scroll up and click on Save.

10.Click on Install app and confirm by clicking Install in the popup window.

Note: Do not click on "reveal token" at this stage, as it is only visible once. You can reveal it in the next stage. If you have already revealed the token, copy and paste it into your Google Sheet for future integrations..

11. Go to configuration.

12. Scroll down to Storefront API Integration and click on configure.

13. Select all the checkboxes to grant configuration permissions.

14. Scroll up and click on Save.

15. Return to the API Credentials section.

16. Here, you'll find the API access token, Storefront API access token, API key, and Secret key.

Save these keys by copy-pasting them somewhere, like in a text file/note/Google Sheet. We will need it later for connecting to Zoko.

The last step is to paste your API integration keys into Zoko

1. In Zoko, navigate to the Integration settings and enter your public store URL. For example, if your store name is www.nike.com, then paste the URL like this: nike.com

2. Copy and paste the keys from your Shopify integration keys window, which should still be open. Alternatively, you can simply copy and paste them from the sheet, file, or notepad where you saved the keys. Then, click on Connect.

Your Shopify account is now connected to Zoko!

Keywords: API token, Access token, Private app, Shopify Integration

Step 2 of 2: Install Zoko's Private App and Collect Integration Keys

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